
CC Podcast 7: one of the most trusted things of today's society! 18 Jun, 2011 / 5 comments

Hello! The new Cook Chase podcast, which attempts to round up all the LucasArts news from the past week, has been released, and you can listen by pointing your mouse to the blob on the right. Thanks to Zaarin for editing it together.

This week, Dan is back from e3 and there is a long rambling introduction about the comments from last week. Then there is a brief round-up of news, followed by a long rambling conclusion, mainly about the 'album covers' released below.

If you are insane enough to save these podcasts, and maybe have them in something like iTunes, then you might want to have album covers to distinguish them from the other podcasts released on Mixnmojo and other gaming web-sites! If so, see below for the B-series (two 30 minute episodes released last year) and the Cook Chase. Open them in a new tab, to download the images directly, if you have trouble saving them to disk.

We also have a HOT TOPIC in this week's 'cast -- what do you do when you listen to the podcast? Answers in the comments or by e-mail please!

News image
The Mixnmojo B-Series Podcast
News image
The Mixnmojo Cook Chase Podcast


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    Bombadil on 27 Jun, 2011, 13:56…
    Oooops! I think I am a bit late, thank god there was no CC last week.
    1) I usually listen to you while I am at work, pretending to be fixing some code or reading some interesting stuff.
    2) I'm from Barcelona ("forgive him, he's from Barcelona"), so for me it's not that easy to distinguish between accents.
    Especially the ones that sound so alike. :P
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    Gabez on 20 Jun, 2011, 15:16…

    Jones Jr

    Hey Gabez - ever thought of using the Mojo Poll to provide you with further comedy fodder for the CC?

    That's a good idea, although you don't get individual responses then. Might be a better way of getting response's for a HOT TOPIC though.

    Incidentally if anyone wants to e-mail me their response to the HOT TOPIC, send it to
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    Jones Jr on 20 Jun, 2011, 11:15…
    Hey Gabez - ever thought of using the Mojo Poll to provide you with further comedy fodder for the CC?
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    AlfredJ on 19 Jun, 2011, 11:13…
    I'm not British and I'm not an American: I'm Dutch!

    I still believe Gabez sounds like Murray, and I'm still not convinced he's British. Anyone can take a picture of himself taking a bath with a Dalek. I can see right through your web of lies.

    He does have bit of a Roger Moore thing going on in that picture though.
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    custard on 19 Jun, 2011, 09:13…
    Is that Tom Cruise?

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