

The Old Days Page Two

Animated GIFs, Banners, Buttons and MIDI's
The following images apear courtesy of their creators.

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Now then these are great ! I loved animated gifs as did everybody (except maybe people burdened with 14.4kbs modems) But they added a certain something to your site.. they made the atmousphere so fun, so... so... Monkey Island! I managed to find some of the old Classics, and i even found out who made some of them. those down the right, the bones one and the Jojo one are by SkyFox from the SCUMMbar! as is the Stan one. The Barman is by me! you can see a few more of my GIFs and also some old Mixnmojo Logos in the history section
Every time a new GIF turned up people jumped for joy ! . There just wasnt enough room to post al lthe GIFs here, but luckily our very own DJG had a page with loads on that he had made. most of the mixnmojo crew had monkey websites, here is Jake's (which has some cool original stuff on). Like i said EVERYONE had a site ! But even so It was all so small, like a family. And every time a new MI site turned up, i was always interested in seeing what they had done. there was a nice community feeling going on

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Most sites made banners and Ive found some old banners, which i would call classics . These are at the bottom of the page. Banners were a great way to advertise your site, you had all kinds of animated goodies. There are infact so many of these banners and images i couldn't include them all, so the final part of this article will simply be a mass of old images !

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After Banners came buttons , and on your right I found and posted some old ones that you may not have seen around before. Sites that don't exist anymore, or are very old !
Buttons it seems were invented by Netscape and the best button to have it seemed were Spoofs of the "Netscape Now" Button except making it "Monkey Now" or something similar (see here and here) .. the Monkey Island Spectacular button kinda fits in too this catagory - but not really.. infact its more like the IE button.. . as you may have noticed - Buttons are still very popular today

Something that definitley is not popular in sites today are MIDI files embeddd into a page. These added to the atmousphere of a page but after a while became increasingly annoying. Below is a jukebox script DJG wrote for my page many a moon ago. have a play :) these are all examples of the actual midis we used to have in our pages. but more often than not, you had no control over whether or not the music could be stopped !

We all looked to the infamous Highland Midis to supply us with decent midis but before the days of them I downloaded most of mine from the SCUMMbar. People, it seems, made various attempts to create these MIDIs.. some tunred out good.. but some were like listening to a monkey singing along to Monkey Island™ whilst being repeatedly kicked in the teeth until it finally died. As is the way of the world, some also were averagely good and probably not worth mentioning. All of these could be donwnloaded no matter how depraved they were. All the good ones were either by Tom Lewandowski or Peter Silk I seem to recall. I also just noticed that Swordmaster wanted us to talk about his attempts at MIDI making so you can juge for yourself go here to find "Swordmaster Productions™". i always thought these were pretty cool actually !

Nowadays we have Monkey Island™ mp3 fan made dance tracks. But back then there were Monkey Island™ fan made Dance MIDI's.
for your enjoyment here are some of those MIDI Mixes available for download. Beware.

Bones mix - Jenny Hannula (Snesgirl)
Monkey2 Theme Mix - AJ

There was another music format available to you in those days - MOD. Unfortunatley i have never quite grasped what this was but if you go to the Scummbar you can see for yourself... and maybe explain to me just what they were ?

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