
It turns out that the quick release schedule of Minecraft: Story Mode isn't a fluke after all. Their three episode Walking Dead: Michonne miniseries will be released on a monthly schedule.

The first episode is coming out for computer platforms (no Linux yet though, but hopefully their Linux testing period yields results soon) and consoles (except for Wii U) on the 23rd of February, and the iOS and Android versions will be following, two days later, on the 25th.

Beyond that, they've already announced the release months for episodes two and three. Episode two will be releasing in March, followed by episode three in April. Hopefully this is a sign that their future releases, from Batman and beyond, will be released on a similar schedule.


Firewatch is now out for Windows, Mac, and Linux on Steam and PlayStation 4 on PSN.

I've played through the first day, and it's lovely so far. We'll have a review up on it soon (so within the next year or so in Mojo Time™).


Campo Santo updated their blog with news that their debut game, Firewatch, is now available to pre-order on Steam. It's currently available for a pre-order discount of 10% off it's usual price of $20. It can also be purchased at Steam in a bundle with the soundtrack, also for 10% off.

It will be released for Windows, Mac, Linux, and PlayStation 4 on February 9. PlayStation Plus members will be able to purchase it on PlayStation 4 on launch day for 10% off as well!


Like the Basic Braining punching mini-game, the Psychonauts 2 Crowdfunding goal of 3.3 million dollars has been well hit. There's still 4 days left in the campaign, so there's still time to back if you haven't yet had the chance, or if you've been waiting it to hit the goal before pledging.


The Psychonauts 2 Fig Crowd Funding Campaign has just crossed the three million dollar mark. There's only $300,000 left to go until it reaches it's target.

If you've missed it, Double Fine has been releasing some cool stuff during this campaign. Earlier, they released an awesome two part retrospective on Psychonauts called The Color of the Sky in Your World, as well as previously unseen concept art from the original Psychonauts.

They've also been releasing season two of their Devs Play series, where developers play classic video games, usually with guests that helped create them. This season, since they've been produced to help promote the Psychonauts 2 campaign, they've been focusing on the games that influenced Psychonauts, and those that will influence the sequel.

You can go straight to the Devs Play Season Two playlist here, or view this season's episodes individually: Spiro the Dragon with Ted Price, Ratchet and Clank with Ted Price, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time with Patrice Désilets and Assassin's Creed II with Patrice Désilets.

If you missed season one, be sure to check it out as well. The first season plays around with the format more than the second, with episodes some episodes focused on speed running and emulation, but even those are worth watching. There's some really interesting tidbits in each of these episodes.


Most of you are enjoying the latest resurgence of the LucasArts adventures, courtesy of Double Fine. However, for those of you who are interested in their biggest competitor during their adventure heyday, Sierra has been having a bit of a resurgence of its own.

Today, it finally continues with the release of the second chapter of The Odd Gentlemen's King's Quest, Rubble Without A Cause. The first chapter was inspired by the original King's Quest. This chapter is said to be inspired by King's Quest III.

Although, the gameplay in King's Quest itself is heavily inspired by Telltale Games. However, it bests their current games as it manages to blend choices and consequences together with traditional inventory based puzzles in a way that we all wish Telltale would manage.


A Block and a Hard Place, the fourth and penultimate episode of Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode, will arrive on all platforms on December 22nd.

The episode will be see the end of the story of the Wither Storm, which is the season wide monster that was unleashed back in episode one. Because of this, Telltale is referring to the episode as the "Wither Storm Finale". When the fifth episode is released, things will be much different for the members of Jesse's crew, and Telltale is remaining mum on what those changes will be. The finale of Minecraft: Story Mode will be released in 2016.


The biggest news of the Video Game Awards tonight was the announcement of Psychonauts 2! They are now seeking 3.3 million dollars, with a significant portion of the game's financing being done by Double Fine themselves and an external partner, through the crowdfunding site founded by ex-Double Finer Justin Bailey. Head over to Fig now and make your pledge to make this happen!

Check out the trailer for the game embedded below, or directly here.


Telltale and Warner Brothers just announced a Batman episodic series, coming to PC, Mac, consoles, and mobile devices next year. It was just announced at the Game Awards 2015 in Los Angeles a few minutes ago. No name has yet been revealed, but it certainly is a major franchise for Telltale to tackle.

The only thing known about the story is a small tidbit from the press release: "“This iteration of Batman will give fans a first-hand opportunity to dive deeper into the complex life and mind of Bruce Wayne, the duality of his own identity, and the struggle of responsibility in saving a city overcome with corruption and villainy.”

This also means that we'll be seeing Telltale's take on games from both of the major comic universes, as Telltale has already announced a Marvel game, that will be premiering in 2017.

From Minecraft: Story Mode, to The Walking Dead: Michonne, to Batman, to their Marvel game, to The Walking Dead: Season Three and The Game of Thrones Season Two, and their first season based on an original intellectual property that will be both a television show and a video game series, Telltale certainly has a lot lined up in the next few years.

Check out the premiere trailer embedded below, or directly here.


Telltale's upcoming miniseries based on the comic character Michonne will no longer be released as downloadable content. It's now going to be a standalone title that won't require any previous titles in the series to play.

It's also been confirmed that the first episode won't be premiering until February 2016.

See the premiere trailer embedded below, or directly here.[/p]

Law & Order Legacies joins the ranks of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures as another Telltale series that is no longer available for sale from digital storefronts. If you already purchased the game you should still be able to download the game from the digital storefront where you purchased it. Otherwise, there is no longer any way to purchase it digitally as the game has been removed from sale on Steam, the Telltale store, and iTunes.

Luckily, all hope is not lost, as like Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, the PC version was released at retail, so it's still available while supplies last for people who still want it. However, unlike Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, the retail version of Law & Order: Legacies was only available in the United Kingdom. So, outside of eBay, Amazon UK is your only chance to get it now.

Update: If you don't live in Europe, Amazon also has limited quantities available for only $3.


I finally got myself familiarized with ScummGen, the compiler that takes C-style code and compiles it into resources used by the actual SCUMM engine (used by LucasArts for all of their adventure games from Maniac Mansion to The Curse of Monkey Island, and by Humongous Entertainment in most of their games until 2003). I polished up the ScummGen test game, Indiana Jones and the Call of Thunder.

The original team (Dominik Haslinger, Jens Doblies and Sebastien Ronsse) did the majority of the work. It was originally intended to be a much longer game, but it was cancelled. I finished up the ice cavern sequence so that it could be released as a completely playable game as I thought it would be a shame if no one got to play it. Their sourcecode was playable up to the point where you complete the mechanism in the cavern.

Here are the changes and fixes that I made to that source code:

  • Replaced LucasArts logo with a ScummGen logo.
  • Made a few grammar corrections to the original script.
  • Created icons for inventory items that lacked them (all instances of the stones and the gas can).
  • Programmed an if/then statement regarding the gas can that was referenced but not implemented in the source.
  • Fixed the mechanism puzzle to require both objects, as before it was possible to complete it with only one object.
  • Added dialog to facilitate the change in the mechanism puzzle.
  • Fixed the lighting so that the cavern stays lit when you move to the cavern entrance and back.
  • Enabled the usage of the item used to exit the cavern, as referenced but not implemented in the source.
  • Changed description of the macguffin as it was originally used as a joke related to the game being unfinished (but kept it humourous to suit the tone of the original).
  • Added dialog necessary for the ending sequence.
  • Added end screen.

You can download it at my page if you want to try it out. It includes the sourcecode. It doesn't include an executable though, as it needs ScummVM in order to run (and I figured I'd cut out the middle man and just let people run ScummVM on whatever system they wish to run it on). It's detected in ScummVM as Day of the Tentacle.


In their ongoing mission to make releases on a schedule more in-line with their puzzle based adventure games, Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode has received its third episode. It will be released on all platforms that have already received the game today, worldwide. They've also released a launch trailer, which you can view here.

In other Telltale news, they are continuing their mission to release their game on every platform known to man and beast, as they are currently testing a Linux/SteamOS port. Hopefully the ColecoVision version of the Telltale Tool won't be too far around the corner.


Telltale's Game of Thrones finale will be released tomorrow for all platforms, worldwide. The entire season will also be available at retail tomorrow, as well.


In a very surprise release, the second episode of Minecraft: Story Mode is out already. It's available now for Xbox 360 and Xbox One and will be out for most other platforms later today. It will be released for Android and iOS devices on Thursday.

The season pass disc, a retail disc for consoles that includes the first episode on the disc and the ability to download the other episodes as DLC as they're released, is also in stores today.


The first episode of Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode is available today. On top of that, Back to the Future: The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition, the remaster of the game with improved textures and Tom Wilson as Biff, has been released as well.

Clearing up a few misconceptions about the game from early press about the remaster, Tom Wilson only plays Biff Tannen. Owen Thomas still plays Kid Tannen and Beauregard Tannen, and Andrew Chaikin still plays Cliff and Riff.


Double Fine Adventure, the documentary by 2 Player Productions that gives great insight into the making of Broken Age, is now available on Steam. It's currently 66% off as a launch sale price.

Broken Age is also currently 66% off on Steam, and is available in a bundle with the soundtrack and documentary here.

In addition, the Free Games in October For PlayStation Plus Members will include Broken Age for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.


Knights of the Old Republic II has just received a major update on Steam as it's now available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam OS. The update brings 37 Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud saves. Steam Workshop mods (the Restored Content Mod is now available straight through Steamworks), native widescreen resolution support, resolution support up to 4k and 5K, and gamepad support.

An employee of Aspyr, the company responsible for the ports of the game, stated on the Steam forums that they are working with GOG and Disney to try to get these changes on as well, and that they should know more after Gamescom.


The penultimate episode of Telltale's Game of Thrones, A Nest of Vipers, is out now on several platforms, including PSN, Xbox One, and for PC and Mac at Telltale's store. It will be released for PC and Mac on Steam and on Tuesday, on Xbox 360 on Wednesday, and on iOS and Android on Thursday.


I always try to do a news post of Mojo related tidbits after our downtime. This one's going to be a long one. At least, with the new server, it'll likely be the last.

Christian Adam has found a solution to allow the people who have graphics hardware below the requirements of Grim Fandango Remastered to play the game in classic mode.

Double Fine is making games in conjunction with Adult Swim Games, as well as Zoink Games.

On the subject of Double Fine, Massive Chalice went out of early access and received it's full release, and Iron Brigade has had Game for Windows Live replaced with Steamworks, fixing matchmaking. The latter was possible thanks to the fact that Double Fine has regained the rights to Iron Brigade from Microsoft.

At E3, it was revealed that ex-Mojoer and former Telltale developer extraordinaire, Jake Rodkin's company Campo Santo will have the console debut of their first game Firewatch on PS4. It is also going to be released on PC, Mac, and Linux. No release date has been set, but Campo Santo is aiming for release by the end of 2015.

Telltale is making a three episode miniseries that will be DLC for The Walking Dead: Season Two called The Walking Dead: Michonne, set during the period of the comics when Michonne is absent from the group. They also finally showed a little bit of what their Minecraft: Story Mode will look like.

Lucasfilm is working on a fully interactive 3D virtual Star Wars world, via their ILM experience lab.

Humongous Entertainment games are starting to make their way to The Pajama Sam series made its way to the service earlier this month.

The co-creator of Maniac Mansion and Thimbleweed Park, Gary Winnick, had his best selling comic, Bad Dreams, released in trade paperback format on the 17th of June.

While we're on the subject of Thimbleweed Park, be sure to check out the Thimbleweed Park development blog, as lots of good inside information about the development process of that game is being posted regularly.

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