
Psychonauts 2 Is Now Seeking Crowdfunding On Fig 04 Dec, 2015 / 6 comments

The biggest news of the Video Game Awards tonight was the announcement of Psychonauts 2! They are now seeking 3.3 million dollars, with a significant portion of the game's financing being done by Double Fine themselves and an external partner, through the crowdfunding site founded by ex-Double Finer Justin Bailey. Head over to Fig now and make your pledge to make this happen!

Check out the trailer for the game embedded below, or directly here.



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    Melancholick on 04 Dec, 2015, 21:24…
    ... nearly halfway to the goal in a SINGLE DAY?!

    Admittedly, I'm gobsmacked: I know people have been clamoring for this thing to happen for a long time, but didn't think that there'd be such a positive ruckus after all the whingy heat that DF took for their production issues with Broken Age.

    You got my fifty bucks, fellas. GO GET 'EM
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    Remi on 04 Dec, 2015, 19:38…


    Well jeepers! Between this and the MST3K revival, crowdfunding has finally achieved its potential.

    And they said Mixnmojo was irrelevant!

    And don't worry, I already have a good video idea. ;
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    Jason on 04 Dec, 2015, 13:40…
    Well jeepers! Between this and the MST3K revival, crowdfunding has finally achieved its potential.

    And they said Mixnmojo was irrelevant!
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    Kolzig on 04 Dec, 2015, 05:32…

    Now THIS is news that I wanted to wake up to!

    Thank you Tim & co.!
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    Bad Asp! on 04 Dec, 2015, 05:24…
    DO WANT.
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    Remi on 04 Dec, 2015, 04:38…
    I'm drunk on awesome news tonight.

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