
The Psychonauts 2 Goal Has Been Hit 07 Jan, 2016 / 2 comments

Like the Basic Braining punching mini-game, the Psychonauts 2 Crowdfunding goal of 3.3 million dollars has been well hit. There's still 4 days left in the campaign, so there's still time to back if you haven't yet had the chance, or if you've been waiting it to hit the goal before pledging.



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    Remi on 08 Jan, 2016, 15:54…


    I cannot take all of the credit. Only most of it.

    Investing all that Mojo cash probably won't come back and bite us.
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    Jason on 08 Jan, 2016, 14:54…
    I cannot take all of the credit. Only most of it.

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