This week's glorious MONKEY MEETING is well under way on #monkey-island ( but if you want to swim in the memories of last week's birthday chat, then by all means do so with a log of the event.
There's also a few peices of music that came to light last week. Here they are:
And the best for last:
Thanks to Zaarin for most of these songs!
Highlights of the log include Spaff being a massive racist:
[Spaff makes racist joke]
[22:02] <+Magrat> wahay!
[22:02] <@telarium> Wow.
[22:02] <+Spaff|TF2> BAD TASTE COMES
[22:02] <@Murray-Mint> Unexpected Racism!
01[22:02] <+Gabez> Hee
[22:02] <@telarium> Spaff is drunk again.
And also all the jokes about marrying SarahS (the result of which is that I'm ostensibly married to her on Facebook)

Update: Thanks a lot to Zaarin for posting the lyrics of the Dingy song in the comments!
LucasTones: this godawful theme is from the maniac mansion tv show :~
LucasTones: it makes you cry
Huzzo: Godawful theme? I'll probably like it :~
Huzzo: Hee - BEST!
LucasTones: ;
Huzzo: Maniac Manshooooooooon!
Huzzo: Who could REFUSE to watch a programme with a theme tune like this?! :~
I'm watching the stars fall silent from LEC
All the things that we have seen
They can't breath or even pull some strings for what's it worth
There's new islands in the Caribbean called Lucre and Jambalaya
I'm pushing pirates around in chairs
I'm thinking up punchlines like "Do we care?"
Over my shoulder a guy falls fast
Crashing to the ground
And all this talk of time, what's the time?
Charles L. Charles is a real scumbag
And that Australian land developer, what's he doing here at all?
Where the heck is Elaine, can't explain
I'm pushing pirates around in chairs
I'm thinking up punchlines like "Do we care?"
Over my shoulder a guy falls fast
Crashing to the ground
I'm breaking bones of arm-wrestling dudes
They let me win when I tickle their chin
I'm looking for the secret of Monkey Island
Wanted cannibals, talking sculls
Sweetest drinks of juice
When I think of you
Makes me worried too
I'm pushing pirates around in chairs
I'm thinking up punchlines like "Do we care?"
Over my shoulder a guy falls fast
Crashing to the ground
I'm breaking bones of arm-wrestling dudes
They let me win when I tickle their chin
I'm looking for the secret of Monkey Island
I'm looking for Elaine. Answers!
I'm looking for Elaine Marley. Do you have the answers for EMI? BWAHAHAHA
Dingy'll probably murderate me for this :(