
Yar.? It Be Official Talk Like A Pirate Day 19 Sep, 2002, 01:55 / 11 comments

Psst! Avast there! It be too late to alter course, mateys, and there be plundering pirates lurking in every cove, waitin' to board. Sit closer together and keep yer ruddy hands inboard! Today be official pirate-talk day so ye best be talkin' like a pirate which be meanin' lots of "yar." Yar. Aye, yar's a'pleanty. Ye best be leavin' yer piratey comments here. I have a parrot, and I be incredibly bored.


  • csenosiain on 19 Sep, 2002, 18:19…
    Avast ye scurve seadogs i order you to clean the poopdeck and the plank so that all those who dont honor this tradition walk it YAARRR
  • Sloth on 19 Sep, 2002, 13:04…
    Yar. What kindova pirate says the word "Psst"? Yar. A real pirate be sayin' "Avast, you scurvy dog!" to get 'nother pirate's attention! Yar.
  • Jake on 19 Sep, 2002, 16:08…
    A very well known talking skull says "psst." No, it's not Murray. This one lives in Anaheim :)
  • Bobo Donkey? on 19 Sep, 2002, 09:33…
    D'ar! If only I had known this afore I went to school this mornin' but it be too late (although come to think of it when me friend be pickin' up change off the ground I be askin 'im "How much treasure be ye plunderin THIS time matey?" so that be not too bad I guess.)
  • 8 of 12 on 19 Sep, 2002, 07:38…
    Y'arrrr... I be demandin' me lecturer to give the lecture inna swashbucklin' pirate voice this fine evenin! Needless ta say, pirates an' psychology da nae mix well!
  • Shanty on 19 Sep, 2002, 03:39…
    Aye, this "Be talkin' like a pirate" day be a fine idea, and no mistake. Arr, it buckles me swash like nothin' else. Besides grog, that is. Arr, grog.
  • Jake on 19 Sep, 2002, 02:20…
    A pirate be updating the Mooj! D'arrrr.
  • MtBlanc on 19 Sep, 2002, 02:20…
    This eyepatch is itchy...I mean...yarrr, me eyepatch be infested with th' ole sea lice, yarrrr.
  • Jake on 19 Sep, 2002, 02:22…
    ye be fired from further postin' on this thread. "th' old sea lice" be a horrid, nauseating thought and i be headin off to visit the side of me ship.
  • JBRAA on 19 Sep, 2002, 02:16…
    Ye scurvy seadog! Ye plank for ye!
  • spaff on 19 Sep, 2002, 02:13…