Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darknes will be released next Wednesday, May 21st, on Xbox Live Arcade, six days after what is, in fact, my birthday. Coincidence? I think not. (And if it were released on my birthday, we would have also gotten the PC and Mac versions. For free. Heck, they'd pay us to play them. I really am just that awesome.)
Update: And it costs 1600 Microsoft Points.
Extreme update: It will be released on Mac and PC on the same day too: 09:00 UTC (1:00 am Pacific Time, 4:00 am Eastern Time), May 21st. Thanks to Maratanos for also pointing-out that Kotaku says the same thing.
Update the Third: Here's a new trailer and five new screenshots. It looks pretty cool, so roll on Wednesday!
Update, Henry the Fourth: Aw look, they even did a prequel comic about it. Three pages to follow, lads.
Update Five Rhymes With Hive: Here's a direct link to a hi-defintion version of the trailer.
Source: Eurogamer
They must think my birthday is on the 21st. Oh WELL. :P