
Wowee Zowie! Duncan Jones pens Full Throttle movie script. 12 Jan, 2021 / 2 comments

So, teasing by Craig Derrick regarding a Monkey Island TV series not punishing enough? Step right up, son of David Bowie and movie director, Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code, and um, Warcraft), who spent his lockdown adapting the Full Throttle script for screen.

Kotaku has broken the story, nicked from Duncan's twitter feed.

If you know any movie studio bosses looking for something to fund, point them towards the pdf in Duncan's dropbox there.

Source: Kotaku



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    ThunderPeel2001 on 12 Jan, 2021, 14:16…
    And of course, it's Nestor, not Bolus who has that line isn't it? :)
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 12 Jan, 2021, 14:13…
    I've been reading it. It's very entertainingly written, and has a few small tweaks to help make the story more solid. He really GETS Full Throttle. It's the best "fan fiction" ever :)

    There's a few changes which I don't know if they're deliberate or just oversights. (eg. Bolus says, "whooped him over with a two by four" instead of "worked him over with a two by four". And Darrel is renamed "Sallow" for some reason).

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