In an unprecedented streak of Mojo features, we spit out a review of "Zer0 Sum", the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands. I know, right? Updates? Reviews almost on time? It's a Festivus miracle!
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Yeah this game was surprisingly good. Still haven't played Game of Thrones yet because I'm way behind with the tv show, but I wouldn't be surprised if Borderlands ended up being the better of the two. I honestly didn't expect that, because I didn't care about anything regarding Borderlands before.
Game of Thrones hits that same analysis paralysis anxiety that Walking Dead gives me: I know both options are terrible and I have a ticking time bar to figure out what might personally feel less terrible. Maybe even more so with GoT because of the historical context from the TV show playing a strong role in that too.
I actually kind of hate that feeling and have a feeling that I will lag behind in the GoT season for the same reason I haven't finished S2 of Walking Dead...
Sadly it's still the best Telltale product I've seen in a while.