
We review DeathSpank in a Mojo-timely manner 23 Aug, 2010 / 9 comments

What? It has only been, what? A month since it was released? Now shut up and read the damn thing right here!



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    elTee on 25 Aug, 2010, 18:03…
    Hah! Trust the French. Not that I'm anti-France, far from it, but I do disagree with the way they treat their language. Or rather the aggressive anti-culturalism promoted by the Academie Francaise, anyway.
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    GozzoMan on 25 Aug, 2010, 14:53…
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    elTee on 24 Aug, 2010, 16:31…
    I'm going to claim it was irony, which is still legal :D
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    GozzoMan on 24 Aug, 2010, 15:16…


    "Oh, in case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm."

    This way you won't insult anyone's intelligence.


    This is sarcasm, isn't it?
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    elTee on 24 Aug, 2010, 12:33…
    You can be sarcastic so long as you make it obvious. The best way to do this is to place the following statement in brackets after your sarcasm: "Oh, in case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm."

    This way you won't insult anyone's intelligence.
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    clone2727 on 24 Aug, 2010, 00:48…

    Remi O


    I will defend to the death that the Humongous games are for children of all ages. I still love playing them.

    You do that.

    Apparently sarcasm isn't allowed on Mojo anymore...
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    Remi on 23 Aug, 2010, 23:32…


    I will defend to the death that the Humongous games are for children of all ages. I still love playing them.

    You do that.
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    clone2727 on 23 Aug, 2010, 22:44…
    I will defend to the death that the Humongous games are for children of all ages. I still love playing them.
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    elTee on 23 Aug, 2010, 19:48…
    Hey, what? :o

    But an insightful review. I played the demo of this when it came out, then immediately went on holiday and spent all of my money. Soon I will be paid and I'll be able to play the rest of it :)

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