
We review Batman: The Enemy Within: The Pact, like it 06 Oct, 2017 / 2 comments

When was the last time we actually reviewed the second episode of a Telltale game? Years ago. Years! But here we are, and we check out the second episode of Batman: The Enemy Within, "The Pact".

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    shuv-oohl on 08 Oct, 2017, 03:08…
    I'm just not a fan of Tell Tale Games any more.

    I KINDA liked Sam & Max, I thought Tales Of Monkey Island was good, and I had an OKAY time in The Walking Dead, but meh, Tell Tale has really dropped the ball for me.
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    AlfredJ on 07 Oct, 2017, 18:55…
    Played this, kinda liked it. Out of the recent Telltale games, this might be the most interesting one to me. I only know Batman from the live action movies and the first two Arkham games really, but I like what they've done with Harley and Joker. The (as I understand it) regular relationship between the two has always been pretty nasty to me - it makes Harley a domestic abuse victim, and Joker the kind of monster that's not actually fun to watch. Not the kind of evil I'm actually interested in seeing with that character. Turning that on its head is a good move, and I'm really curious to see where they're going with Joker in this incarnation. Until now I always assumed his attitude was all an act and he was already his usual clown prince of crime behind the scenes, which could definitely still be the case, but with every episode it starts to look like there's more going on there. I hope they'll deliver on that.

    Hey, I just talked a bunch about the actual story in a new Telltale game I enjoyed without getting all pessimistic! I blame Mojo's resurgence, Double Fine making Psychonauts 2 and Ron making new adventure games for my good mood.

    To be my usual grumpy self for a bit here, did you guys catch that story about how an actual photo of that murdered Russian diplomat from last year somehow made it into the game (and has since been removed by Telltale)? It's a weird little scandal, and I'm mostly mentioning it now because it should definitely be a footnote in some future Mojo article:

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