
Want that free Back To The Future episode before Christmas? 18 Dec, 2010 / 1 comment

Well, tough.

You remember that free episode of Back To The Future Telltale were giving out? If you went for that and were expecting to play it the same time as regular buying folks on the 22nd, I've got some bad news: according to the latest issue of The Telltale Interloper (it should be in your email box now if you subscribe) the free episode won't be available until February.

Hopefully there will still be a demo of the first episode next week for those still undecided about the game.


1 Comment

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    Ascovel on 18 Dec, 2010, 10:50…
    That's a strange marketing strategy. I thought the point of the free episode was to create even more buzz around the season's premiere. But Telltale probably knows what they are doing.

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