
WMI, AG, TS of LEC PR (yes that's right) 01 Jun, 2002 / Comments: 2

In case you have no idea what that headline means, (and why would you?) Mojo Network Site The World of Monkey Island has posted a short Q&A with LucasArts' head of PR, Tom Sarris. Since WMI could not actually make E3, they asked Marek of AdventureGamers to ask the questions on their behalf. Here's a clip:
1. Is it possible that we will see a Monkey Island 5 in the future or have you definitely closed the book on that franchise?

They are definately going to make Monkey Island 5 since it is their most popular franchise. However, we shouldn't expect it in the near future.

Check out the full Q&A over at The World of Monkey Island!


  • Scummbuddy on 02 Jun, 2002, 14:07…
    what does the AG in the headline represent? did i miss something?
  • Remi O on 02 Jun, 2002, 14:19…