Articles now contains content 27 May, 2010 / 1 comment

After a bit of foreplay, LucasArts has launched, transforming a longtime splash page into something with a bit more to mess with. If you're one of the millions of people awaiting the game's launch later this year, go ahead and find out what those things are, because I didn't.



1 Comment

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    BillieJoe86 on 27 May, 2010, 02:36…
    I would be somehow interested if I hadn't seen that video of Sam and Max to revive those bad memories about LucasArts...
    Regardless, I gave it a look only to find a bunch of nonsense mini-games with little or no reward at all...
    I am still interested in the game though! I'm sure it'll be a lot better than the first one.

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