
Traitorous slime 21 Aug, 2007 / Comments: 2

Because he'd apparently rather post it there than here, ATMachine started a thread over at the Adventure Gamers forums documenting some discrepancies between footage of LEC adventures he found while scouring the Internet Archive versus the final product.

For example, what's up with the Lucasfilm logo looking different in the Last Crusade promo? What's the deal with there evidently once being a 256 color North American disk version of Loom? And how come that inventory item got cut from DOTT? If you're a fan of ATM's web site (and let's face it, we all are) you'll surely enjoy his latest work.


  • Haggis on 22 Aug, 2007, 14:35…
    Give the man a Nobel prize for Detectivism!
  • Scummbuddy on 21 Aug, 2007, 19:16…
    And I want to thank him for finding another video, and doing more digging and comparing, traitorous slime as he may be.