
Tomb of the Unknown Indy 18 Dec, 2010 / 11 comments

Did you know that The Collective, the developer behind Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, was so keen on making a sequel to their 2003 Indy game that they took the initiative of prototyping one? Along with a few models, former employee Peter Han has the following to share:

So... this image is 5 years old, low poly realtime model created for a project that could have been. No photos were used in the creation of the textures and the render was not retouched.

This was done at Collective Studios, now known as Double Helix, sometime after Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb shipped. Hoping to work on another game, we did some R & D for a possible sequel. New, polished character models were created and the Indiana Jones model completely redone.

There was an amazing prototype that was up and running with updated gameplay, but unfortuneately this project never happened. Probably could have been the greatest Indy game ever. : ) Unfortuneately due to things out of the hands of the studio and suprisingly, even the publisher, nothing came about.

But after all these years, it was still probalby the most fun project i've ever worked on and since after the new movie came out, i just decided to dust off these images.

Thanks a lot, The Past.

Source: forums



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    clone2727 on 19 Dec, 2010, 17:24…


    Is that the one they used in Crystal Skull for all the stunts?

    No, that would have made the movie watchable.
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    Ascovel on 19 Dec, 2010, 16:06…


    The Tingler

    It's definitely the 3D model that looks most like him.

    I beg to differ!

    Is that the one they used in Crystal Skull for all the stunts?
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    clone2727 on 19 Dec, 2010, 14:47…

    The Tingler

    It's definitely the 3D model that looks most like him.

    I beg to differ!
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    The Tingler on 19 Dec, 2010, 07:13…



    Low poly? Jesus, that's the best Indy model I've seen.

    Is it? I can't see much difference to the Emperor's Tomb one. Then again I'm comparing from memory.

    The one in Emperor's Tomb was too muscley, too broad-shouldered. This one looks just like Indy. It's definitely the 3D model that looks most like him.
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    daltysmilth on 19 Dec, 2010, 05:46…
    For being a low rez model from 5 years ago, that looks better than the model from the actual game that was released last year.
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    BillieJoe86 on 18 Dec, 2010, 18:47…
    The "greatest Indy game ever"? Not if Collective was doing it... Emperor's Tomb was so bad, I think I didn't even I finish it. And that was the time when I still played games - because, shame on me, I haven't finished TMI either, but that will happen :).
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    Ascovel on 18 Dec, 2010, 10:48…


    Low poly? Jesus, that's the best Indy model I've seen.

    Is it? I can't see much difference to the Emperor's Tomb one. Then again I'm comparing from memory.
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    QueZTone on 18 Dec, 2010, 10:40…
    This looks pretty cool. I love the black and white shot.

    This would probably have been pretty cool, just like that Euphoria indy game that just disappeared.
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    jp-30 on 18 Dec, 2010, 06:15…
    Low poly? Jesus, that's the best Indy model I've seen.
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    The Tingler on 18 Dec, 2010, 03:24…
    Instead LucasArts had another internal revamp, decided they'd make all their biggest games themselves, and failed utterly.

    Come back Collective/Double Helix, all is forgiven!
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    Ascovel on 18 Dec, 2010, 02:50…
    I too was working on an Indy game many years ago. Using the freeware game engine Indy JAVA which right away featured lots of sprites ripped off from Fate of Atlantis. Probably could have been the greatest Indy game ever. : ) Too bad I was too incompetent back then to create anything substantial - or even think of a plot. Ah, good times!

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