
Tis scurvy-inducing 19 Apr, 2006, 21:11 / Comments: 3

Listen up, kids: the Plunder 3D web-site has been updated with a bunch of new stuff! New screenshots, new downloads, a new design, a new forum, a new teaser trailer, a new... well, you get the idea. Just head on over there and enjoy!


  • Huz on 27 Apr, 2006, 05:14…
    Wow, this looks like the best thing since.... well, since Melee 3D.

    I look forward to glitching my way to Gabez's destruction!
  • Jake on 20 Apr, 2006, 17:09…
    It wouldn't be Mojo without a Plunder3D mod of some sort.

    Also major points for including El Pollo Diablo.
  • Thrik on 20 Apr, 2006, 08:05…
    God. It's starting to look fairly excellent ? I can't wait to see it once the map generally has more detail to it.