The Essential Guide to MI has updated their site with statments on why they are not going to support Escape from Monkey Island on their site:
Five simple words: "This is not Monkey Island."It is a fact. Well, after most of the original LucasArts artist, writers, composers and programmers left... perhaps they didn't want to be forced to produce commercial games based on that long StarWars toy commercial called: The Phantom Menace... there wasn't enough creativity or criticism left at LucasArts to continue the Monkey Island Series......
Read more over on their site!
Now, everyone has a different opinion on EMI.
Matt does seem to have stolen Traps Images.
I stuck up for Remi because I enjoyed EMI
Lucasarts went to 3D to attract NEW adventurers. This worked. THEY CARE ABOUT ONE THING
Now, Spaff, I think a new forum needs creating JUST for this topic.
Do not insult me. I have mastered the Ultimate Insult
I hated the end of EMI, the Monkey Island bit, as much as you Matt.
I enjoyed the puzzles as much as you Remi
Remi O I would like to meet you. You must be one of those people that lead a discussion without listening to the other side. It would be fun if you actually had something to say...
SO FAR you've attacked our statement about EMI not being a MI game on a literal basis (reminds me of one of those pathetic Joes from central USA that think Jonathan Swift's "Modest Proposal" really proposes that children of the poor should be eaten by the rich), attacked Matt's English (even though English is not your first language either), repeatedly insulted this mediocre brain of mine (riot of laughs!), and insisted on your thesis that was a mere repetition of the obvious, and is besides the point--we're saying that the earth goes around the sun, and you're attacking us by saying that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west--while we totally agree that is true--it is a fact that has nothing to do with what is our major premise!!!
Long live Tycho Brahe and the geocentric world!:)
Now that I go back, I see that in fact you were the first to call Matt a dumb-ass, circuitously as well as overtly. You were looking for a brawl, man.
"It has Monkey Island in the title... It's about Guybrush Threepwood... It's made by LucasArts... Most fans (minus a vocal minority) at least likes the game... Hence it's Monkey Island. Your personal opinion isn't worth anything one way or another when it comes to that subject."
With reply:"hey stupid! they guide won't support MI4--- well, seems you were interested in our site- maybe we you liked it- but it doesn't like you. p.s.: i'm sorry you don't know monkey island- bad luck!"
everything was said- this is my last comment... and you don't have to reply. there's nothin' to discuss concerning this comment. you'll find all answers in one ore more of the 155 messages below. I don't have time to check this board every day (unlike other cursing and budding members of the MI-community) and in the last days many fans and friendly visitors confirmed my theory. bye. signing of...
and as you seem to have a problem with understanding symbols... not the guts or the CDROM-Case... i'm talking about the soul of game and community... for me both things haven't much of a Monkey Island soul. at least the game(EMI). if you tell me again that "there has never been a MI-feeling" you can stop to discuss.
BTW thanks to the MIXNMOJO staff for still hosting us :)
No one would add these (**)'s... imagine how strange it would have looked if a philosoph had done that. this is a theory. it's my theory. it's my opinion.
I respect your opinion- that's why i asked spaff to add this news article... I wanted to hear YOUR opinion. The first things I read were "shitty site", "leave", "no right to have an opinion of your own", "not a budding member of the MI community"... and then followed positive, long and clever comments.
it's not good for you who don not share our opinion (e.g. remi) if you just post low level punches and "I'm-not-listening-I'm-not-listening"-messages. that's not friendly...
BTW- we're dicussing not arguing- seems some of you forgot that fact.
"It has Monkey Island in the title... It's about Guybrush Threepwood... It's made by LucasArts... Most fans (minus a vocal minority) at least likes the game... Hence it's Monkey Island. Your personal opinion isn't worth anything one way or another when it comes to that subject."
Then you (Matt not Seerah) replied:"hey stupid! they guide won't support MI4--- well, seems you were interested in our site- maybe we you liked it- but it doesn't like you. p.s.: i'm sorry you don't know monkey island- bad luck!"
So maybe you should shut up now, and stop living in a fantasy world.-Oscar Wilde
I get what you mean though, and my original intention wasn't to force my opinion on others, I became defensive when people started insulting me...
... don't you have ideals?? we have. you can't seriously think that someone here has a "misguided concept of his own importance"...
exception: rEMI- he thinks LEC is god- his god... like an extremist with religious motives.
BTW you're always saying the same- please stop- or say something new. you don't even bring new aspects to this discussion, rEMI.
"well- not monkey island i guess. maybe a commercial monkey island clone- if not... maybe a bad monkey island game and for us that wouldn't be "monkey island" aswell!"
... yeah i know- lec has to decide that. you're out mister "i accept everything that someone bigger says" rEMI. your point of view is simple- everyone understood it- you have nothing to add! WE're discussing. you're just crying your line. again and again and...
Ca para?t peut-?tre clich?s mais le premier jeu auquel j'ai jou? fut The Secret of Monkey Island : c'?tait g?nial ,les personnages, les dialogues etm?me les graphismes. Lorsque j'ai jou? au second opus j'ai retrouv? lesm?mes sensations? mais quand j'ai jou? ? Curse of Monkey Island j'avais?volu?, et l'humour ne me fit pas rire. Au fil du jeu, j'ai appris ?l'appr?cier et je dois dire qu'il m'a parut aussi bien que les pr?c?dents.Quatres ans plus tard, je joue ? Escape from Monkey Island et l? je neretrouve pas ce qui faisait que de la s?rie des Monkey ce qu'elle ?tait.Sans aucun doute le jeu est une perle des jeux d'aventure, maiscontrairement aux autres ?pisodes de la s?ries il n'y a pas plusieursniveaux de lecture. Ce que je veux dire c'est que le non-sens n'est plusomnipr?sent ; on le retrouve quelques fois mais en g?n?ral le jeu s'adresse? des enfants.Un ami de mes parents est venu un jour chez moi et y a jou? : il a souventdit " c'est mignon ". Je pense que c'est r?v?lateur du jeu : ils avaient unpotentiel ?norme et il l'on mal exploit?. Pour moi, personne ne devraitpenser c'est mignon en jouant ? un jeu d'aventure de LucasArts ! Pour moi,les jeux d'aventure de LucasArts ont un humour noir, caustique et parfoism?chant si on y regarde de pr?s.Finalement, je pense que c'est un peu de notre faute ? nous, les fans, siEMI est rat?. Pourquoi ? Parce que nous voulions un jeu rapidement et ce jeuil est effectivement sorti rapidement : on en voit les cons?quences. Onsent que le sc?nario aurait pu partir en d?lire total, on sent que desparties du jeu ont ?taientt supprim?es, on sent que le moteur du jeu auraitpu ?tre optimis? et on sent que les personnages franchement bons ont ?t?invent? mais qu'ils ont ?t? sous-exploit?s. Par exemple il faut vraimentaller au fond des dialogues pour retrouver le go?t de la s?rie ? Vous savezquoi ? on dirait un jeu bouche trou, un jeu fade et sans saveur? on diraitl'?pisode I.Une g?n?ration de cr?ateurs a quitt? l'?quipe de LucasArts, aujourd'hui lesmembres de cette noble entreprise n'ont pas la libert? n?cessaire pour cr?erde bons jeux. Alors, Messieurs et Mesdames les fans, Messieurs et Mesdamesles business-man laissez les programmeur, les designers, les artistes fairece qu'il d?sir et sans doute retrouverons- nous le talent de Ron Gilbert ouTim Schafer.GuybrushTheDwarf fan d'un jour fan pour ?
My system (just stating - not bragging) is running both win98 and 2000 with a 3DFX Voodoo 3 3000, 256MB ram, Celeron 700, and a 40-gig HD with fully tweaked swapfiles and full installs of EMI. In directx, the graphics and game are fine, but try to turn on 3d accelleration and my power pc becomes a 286... Same effect in Grim Fandango. Have also tested this with a p3 processor and an nvidia chip - same effect. Anyone else find that LEC's 3-d adventures are just too bulky.
->the status screens and displays of Jedi Knight are messing up the whole screen-
->no 3d accelarion for grim
-> flashing option screens in EMI and ugly green shadows, cutscenes are sometimes not played correctly [just audio]
but wait- INDY and the Infernal Machine runs perfectly.
greetings, capt'n matt
A "Sam Becketty" MI would be a nice alternative, as well!!!
Erm... Ha-ha...
The problem with me, and I'm fully aware of the grimness of it, is that my sense of humor transcends the Three Stooges... Call it genetic pre-disposition to comedy that is funny...
Oh, and appealing to Spaff to throw us out is nice, quite--the easy way out. It's the same as throwing a country out of United Nations (a peace-making body) so that you can BOMB IT! Not once have I said in my review that EMI was bad because it was made not by Ron Gilbert, rather I have said that it was a failure in terms of looks, story and puzzles--if it is analogous to anything then to Phantom Menace vs. Star Wars.
If there is anything I can't tolerate it's intolerant, narrow-minded people!!!
BTW have you heard about something called "fan feedback"?
"hey stupid! they guide won't support MI4--- well, seems you were interested in our site- maybe we you liked it- but it doesn't like you. p.s.: i'm sorry you don't know monkey island- bad luck!"
Can anyone translate this?