As with last year, we've started a series of voting polls in the forum, asking YOU about the events of the past twelve months. The questions so far are:

...but more will be added soon.
You need to register with our forums to be able to vote, but it only takes one second, and you can use your account for the whole of Lucas Forums and message away with Remi, Jake and the whole team! We're all on Lucasforums, messaging our souls away! Come join us.
Oh, and one more thing: all of the results will be going into a review of the year, just like we did for 2006.
Update: more questions have been added, and we've also got a new header for our forums. If it's still loading the old images for you, just hit Ctrl F5.
Best poster
Worst poster
We could have a staff member question, though. Last years was: 'who is most like to get fired in 2007?' (I think it was a A Pirate! Yarr! closely followed by me)