13 Comments ThunderPeel2001 on 16 Mar, 2006, 18:22… Extremely accurate!!! netmonkey on 12 Feb, 2006, 19:16… Yes, it's true. that one time i met jake he was like "shifty, shifty, shifty" spaff on 06 Feb, 2006, 18:52… That's spot on ?? Marek on 06 Feb, 2006, 12:27… I'm laughing my guts out. This is gold. woxel1 on 02 Feb, 2006, 01:07… Oscar Worthyton the Third. Bobbin Threadbare on 24 Jan, 2006, 08:03… Funny stuff. Shmargin on 24 Jan, 2006, 05:46… I was frightened when this page stopped working on my computer.... 8 of 12 on 23 Jan, 2006, 22:59… Ha ha, it's true, it's so true! I remember that that's pretty much Jake's standard answer to everything :P remixor on 19 Jan, 2006, 07:06… Hahaha this could not be more true Jake on 19 Jan, 2006, 07:01… Hahahahaha what the hell is that. I guess I'm waving my cane around in the second panel? Haggis on 21 Jan, 2006, 21:23… Looks more like a fishing rod to me. Scummbuddy on 18 Jan, 2006, 16:59… It needs the w00t in a little speak-bubble. ----It's actually a very funny comic. I can't wait to see Jake's rebuttle. Jayel on 17 Jan, 2006, 19:17… Haha it's funny because it's true(warning: I base that on absolutely nothing)
It's actually a very funny comic. I can't wait to see Jake's rebuttle.
(warning: I base that on absolutely nothing)