
The Wacky Sci-Fi Titles of LucasArts 26 Apr, 2008, 00:55 / 8 comments

So someone somewhere decided to be funny and compiled a "triviagasm" of The Wacky Science-Fiction Titles of LucasArts and stuck it over at This includes that LucasArts stopped making adventure games in 2002. And not a single mention of the awesome Telltale Games, even though Sam and Max Hit the Road is mentioned.

Two words: The shame. The shame.

(We're kidding io9. We love you.)

Source: io9



  • The Tingler on 26 Apr, 2008, 09:33…
    The briefest mentions of Monkey Island possible...
  • Kroms on 26 Apr, 2008, 12:01…
    Well it's sci-fi. Unless we want to remember the robot?
  • Capn_Nacho on 27 Apr, 2008, 03:47…
    Escape, I'm sorry to say, is the only MI game I legally own (though I've beaten the other three :|) and I've only played the first hour or so of it. Just wretched.
  • neon_git on 26 Apr, 2008, 17:10…
    I think I speak for everyone when i say no, no we don't.
  • Gabez on 26 Apr, 2008, 17:18…
    I actually liked the robot!
  • neon_git on 27 Apr, 2008, 01:29…
    I'm afraid I'm going to have to tie you to a stake and burn you next time I see you. Sorry.
  • The Tingler on 26 Apr, 2008, 18:35…
    What robot?... oh, wait, that one. Crap, you made me remember it!
  • Kroms on 26 Apr, 2008, 20:08…
    Umm...FF Prime. That one.