
The Story of LucasArts panel available on Youtube 01 Jul, 2013 / 1 comment

Earlier this month, Paypal's TechXploration hosted a panel called The Story of LucasArts moderated by Douglas Crockford. The developers in attendance were Noah Falstein, Randy Farmer, David Fox, Ron Gilbert, Chip Morningstar, Aric Wilmunder, and Gary Winnick. For those of you who couldn't make it, Paypal made the entire thing available on Youtube in eight parts:

Thanks to reader salty-horse for the heads-up!

Source: Youtube


1 Comment

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    Jason on 02 Jul, 2013, 22:32…
    The earliest days of Lucasfilm are reliably the most fascinating to hear about. It always comes across as the real-life, technology equivalent of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. And it remains remarkable what these guys were able to do with that Etch-A-Sketch (aka the Atari).

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