
The Fat Man exposed as disappointingly thin in video interview 10 Aug, 2021 / 0 comments

Game musician extraordinaire George "The Fat Man" Sanger, whose work can be heard in such titles as Maniac Mansion (NES), Loom, The 7th Guest, Wing Commander, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Outlaws, and a whole mess of Humongous stuff, fielded questions from Arcade Attack in extravagant video form. Reading off pre-written questions, the prolific frontman of Team Fat guides you through his long career all the way from his first Intellivision project.

It's possible that Sanger did a similar Q&A for Mojo almost a year ago as part of an article that for political reasons remains mired in a publication-palsying thicket of legal capework, shifting redactions and moral grandstanding, but hopefully we can speak of that in something other than innuendo before the year's out.


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