
The Escapist visits Lucasarts, Escapes 17 Mar, 2010, 03:09 / 2 comments

It's like the Seinfeld of Games stories, three pages of article about nothing.
Earlier this week, we interviewed Chris Taylor, the creator of the Supreme Commander games. He asked us point blank if we'd been yet to see Lucasarts. When we told him we hadn't, but that we had an appointment, he told us to beware.

"You think you're going into NORAD or something," he said. "You think 'God, you make movies and games. You don't make nuclear missile guidance systems.'"

It's a fair point. Lucasarts makes games. These days mainly games based on an existing franchise, Star Wars. What could they possibly be hiding?
There's also a sister article that DOES discuss The Old Republic's gameplay here, as was the point of the visit.

Source: The Escapist



  • Pandora bracelets on 01 Apr, 2010, 03:28…
  • Trunks on 17 Mar, 2010, 06:52…
    Mountain of a molehill - Lucas employees are generally free to enter each other's workspaces, and there's plenty of ILM folk who pass through LEC areas. All the security is a no-brainer, moreso due to what's in-house over at ILM than at LEC.