
The Curse of Monkey Island theme, CD quality style 25 Mar, 2018 / 10 comments

Once in a while, not often, but once in a while, Zaarin chooses to open his treasure box, and share some of the morsels he has hidden in it. Like today, when he has decided to rain upon you a classic song: The Curse of Monkey Island theme, in glorious CD quality sound. Feel free to grab an MP3, or YouTube it.



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    EdgarMonkey on 22 Feb, 2019, 02:22…



    Hi Man!!! I was looking For you!!!... Aehmmm... Let me to introduce myself; My name is Edgar, And I'm The "Curse Of Monkey Island Demake" programer... Have you listened about that project?

    You can see a video here:

    I was looking for somebody to créate The Midis from The ost, but I could not found anybody... But now recently I have found your work... WWWOOOWWW!!!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Just perfect!!! Better than in my Best Dreams!!! So now I have two questions;

    1. Can I use your midis for my demake?

    2. Would you like to be part of this project And make the rest of The songs!?!

    It would be really really a dream to have your collaboration!

    I can't wait For you answer!!

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    Rum_Rogers on 27 Mar, 2018, 00:29…


    Wasnt CMI one of those games where when you put the disc in a CD player, it would play the music tracks? Or am I crazy?

    Not really, unfortunately. That was only possible with the enhanced CD version of The Secret of Monkey Island.
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    shuv-oohl on 27 Mar, 2018, 00:21…
    Wasnt CMI one of those games where when you put the disc in a CD player, it would play the music tracks? Or am I crazy?
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    Scummbuddy on 26 Mar, 2018, 22:14…
    If there even is any, would Michael Land or another possibly have the audio/voice from the missing cutscene from Guybrush Kicks Butt? Where Elaine stops the rollercoaster from turning Guybrush into a skeleton by voodoo and lava? Or perhaps it was just without voice but just soundfx.
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    Remi on 25 Mar, 2018, 20:10…


    I made a check, this is actually a Variable BitRate mp3 so it is HIGHER than what I said before, and I mean A LOT higher! Thanks again!

    Yep, VBR MP3. Maybe I should’ve made a mention of it, but as I have no clue what it actually means, I didn’t. :~

    Zaarin really should post these things but he’s making me do it.
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    AndywinXp on 25 Mar, 2018, 19:43…
    I made a check, this is actually a Variable BitRate mp3 so it is HIGHER than what I said before, and I mean A LOT higher! Thanks again!
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    Laserschwert on 25 Mar, 2018, 10:21…
    Love the URL to the MP3... more to come?

    @Remi: Also, did you contact Telarium about this stuff? Hot tip: You should.
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    Remi on 25 Mar, 2018, 01:00…


    Too bad it's just 128 kbps (I assume you received it "as is")... :( But it's still awesome as heck! Thanks thanks thanks!

    Legend tells of files with even higher quality. If we can find them is another story. :~
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    AndywinXp on 25 Mar, 2018, 00:30…
    Too bad it's just 128 kbps (I assume you received it "as is")... :( But it's still awesome as heck! Thanks thanks thanks!
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    AndywinXp on 25 Mar, 2018, 00:25…

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