The most amazing display of human art lies just a click away:
That's right: the Star Wars theme played on bagpipes. Whilst wearing a kilt. On a unicycle!
squidkidd has implored us to help him win a competition inwhich he video is being judged.
He is currently on 18%, behind a woman who can (apparently) rotate her arms. Cast your vote here.
If squidkidd wins, he has promised us that his next video will use the Monkey Island theme tune. Pressumably he will sing it backwards, whilst hopping on one leg, juggling a baby, and impregnating a horse, surrounded by a ring of fire. In space!
Source: Our forums
sounds like they wanted me to win at least
Anyway, I may not have won, but making the news at mojo is close enough for me, so in keeping with my word I give you: Monkey Island! on Unicycle, Bagpipes, and Trumpet!
The man is talented, I hope he wins!