
Telltale Texas Hold'em: The Review 23 Feb, 2005, 20:43 / 6 comments

Our very own David Eggers (by night known as Metallus) has put Telltale Texas Hold'em through its paces, and documented the experience in a pulitzer-worthy review (which he claims to have written in a complete stupor at 2 in the morning). What does he have to say about this pokery pre-Bone offering from Telltale Games? Find out!

And, as a bonus, if you hate what Dave has to say about the game, our own Remi Olsen, "the other staffer," has written a competing review! Who is best? Only you can decide.


  • ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Feb, 2005, 15:16…
    A link to where you can buy it would be cool also!
  • mlemerle on 24 Feb, 2005, 17:49…

    Go to and get the game there
  • ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Feb, 2005, 14:31…
    How are these two reviews contradicting? Either way, I got a good sense of what to expect from Metallus... it's nothing fancy but it's a fun diversion. Pretty much what Remi said, too...?
  • Remi O on 24 Feb, 2005, 15:20…
    They're not contradicting, my three paragraphs were just provided as a second opinion. Calling it a "competing review" might have been a bit misleading. ?
  • Jake on 24 Feb, 2005, 15:42…
    I never said the opinions were competing, just that the reviews were! Come on!
  • ThunderPeel2001 on 25 Feb, 2005, 00:58…
    "Why you are wrong, and I am right
    A second opinion by Remi Olsen."

    Lol! ?