
Techno techno techo! 24 Dec, 2005, 01:53 / 0 comments

Ronzo's been getting into the festive mood this year with his Christmas comic strip full of bitter feelings for all the unfairness and pain in this unhappy world. Now that?s the spirit!

Mr Grumpy Gamer also posted a link to some kind of Monkey Island techno thingymabob. I managed to download a snippet by pointing my browser this way and was mildly impressed as a result. I believe me eyebrow moved itself up my face a full centimetre. Anyway, I think it?s a real song that you can buy for real money, so go check it out! Or don?t.

And just a reminder that our Christmas competition ends tomorrow so you better get in all your last minute entries soon! All the contributions I?ve received so far have been of really great quality (even the singing!) but don?t be put off if you feel that you don?t have any skills; I don?t have any skills either. We can both die pointlessly in the gutter together.

Come back tomorrow evening, British time, when I?ll post some of the best entries for you to criticise and remark upon.