
See those promo-only Guybrush and LeChuck models up close 11 Apr, 2012 / 2 comments

Remember that Monkey Island 2: Special Edition E3 trailer that ended with a surprise 3D twist that had us all talking? Here, refresh your memory:


The 3D stuff was the work of Blur Studio, and one of the artists involved has offered a closer look of the Guybrush and LeChuck models on his blog. The blog post is apparently a year old, but judging from the attention this has been getting on the Telltale forums, it hasn't been seen by many.

Source: Juan Solís García's blog



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    QueZTone on 14 Apr, 2012, 10:54…
    Someone kickstart that!
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    GirlbrushThreepwood on 14 Apr, 2012, 00:34…
    Aah, so cool! I love this trailer so much, both in humor and style. It won't let me zoom in to the models, though. D:

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