
See footage of Fate of Atlantis on the Wii 04 Apr, 2009, 15:57 / 3 comments

In a new preview of the Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings on Gamespot, you can read a Q&A about the game as well as see a clip from the Fate of Atlantis easter egg that comes with the Wii version.

The Q&A is actually pretty interesting despite the disinterested tone of the LEC reps, with details such as platform exclusives and who the music composers revealed. Check it out.


  • The Tingler on 05 Apr, 2009, 10:59…
    Yeah, that part at least looks good.
  • clone2727 on 05 Apr, 2009, 12:01…
    The *only* part that looks good to me.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Apr, 2009, 16:11…
    There are several FOA captures in the screenshots section - looks like it was faithfully done.