Star Wars: The Force Unleased 2 was announced today at the Spike Videogames awards.
If for some reason that bunch of meaningless pre-rendered bluster leaves you wanting to know more, there's a website here. But bad luck, it doesn't actually have any info on it.
Source: Spike TV
It's funny how widespread internet rumors magically turn into accepted facts so quickly.
To sum everything up, Unleashed was my 2nd Star Wars game I've played.
I do wish LEC would lend the Indy license half of the epicness they use to tout their Star Wars stuff. I realize that Star Wars is much more popular a brand, but come on, it's Indiana Jones for cripes sake, and they're not even trying to capitalize on it. I realize Force Unleashed is probably a genuinely competent title and all, but I think it's time to get cracking on a beast of an Indy game, one not only with Force Unleashed level production values but that succeeds in being more than Tomb Raider with training wheels. Give the archeologist his due.
In other news, besides studying for finals, but I'm working on a Mojo Podcast Jingle! I'm going to bed now, hopefully it'll be done on Monday.