
Ron Gilbert wants to spank you to death again 23 Aug, 2010 / 11 comments

There were almost 20 years between Ron Gilbert's last two games; this time it will be two months.

GameSpot reports that Thongs of Virtue will be released on XBLA and PSN next month, September 21 and 22 respectively. Word has it the sequel, which was developed pretty much at the same time as the first game (remember it was supposed to be released episodically), will sport more of a sci-fi-like setting and have more varied quests. Add to that new multiplayer options and more varied weapons... Well, it actually looks like a true sequel.

Look for our belated DeathSpank review later today and start getting excited for more Ronzo fun!

Source: GameSpot



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    The Tingler on 25 Aug, 2010, 01:57…
    Yeah, I'm not so bothered by the price or that they were making it at the same time - this means Ron Gilbert was involved, hooray - than I am the fact that it's out so soon after the first. I think they could've waited a bit longer and tried to improve it based on people's reactions to the first game.
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    Remi on 24 Aug, 2010, 14:39…
    Even if the full price ends up being around $30 I don't think that's too awful. The first game/episode/whatever takes well over 10 hours to play through if you do it properly, which frankly is longer than many $60 games.

    It's definitely odd the way they are releasing this thing, though, that I agree with. I wonder if they waited to see if the first one sold well enough to warrant finishing up this episode/game/whatever? Strange none the less.
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    Diduz on 24 Aug, 2010, 14:22…
    I am quite surprised that no one is complaining about this strange release strategy. Are we talking about a real sequel? We're just talking about the second half of the same game. Beats me.
    Didn't anyone involved say that the game wasn't episodic any longer? This feels episodic to me.
    What's DeathSpank real price... 30$?
    I guess I should be happy that DeathSpank is back, but there's something... strange about all this.
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    Remi on 24 Aug, 2010, 03:03…

    The Tingler

    Is Ron Gilbert actually involved in this one?

    The game was apparently largely done before he left, with some finetuning done without him.
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    The Tingler on 24 Aug, 2010, 01:44…
    "Players won't bring their progress from the first game. DeathSpank sequel players start leveling their hero up from scratch."

    That's a bit annoying if it continues straight after the last game.

    "DeathSpank will sail a pirate ship"

    Hee hee!
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    The Tingler on 24 Aug, 2010, 01:38…
    Just to clarify: tredlow's a real person and not me in disguise. :) While it would sell very well on PC, I'll admit the control system for Diablo-style games on PC is wildly different from the console version DeathSpank has. It would require a lot of tinkering. Half-an-hour to an hour at least (KIDDING).

    Is Ron Gilbert actually involved in this one?
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    Kroms on 24 Aug, 2010, 00:06…
    *grumbles about Sony's retarded billing system, grumble grumble*

    I'll need to play this properly, instead of little snippets at my friend's house. Le sigh.
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    Scummbuddy on 23 Aug, 2010, 22:18…


    Wait, what? Humongous games don't count? For shame! This post is erroneous!

    Oh Snap!
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    clone2727 on 23 Aug, 2010, 17:53…
    Wait, what? Humongous games don't count? For shame! This post is erroneous!
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    AlfredJ on 23 Aug, 2010, 17:02…
    Hothead commented on the PC demand:

    "Millar acknowledged that Hothead is "seeing some demand" for a PC version, a natural given DeathSpank's PC adventure-game and Diablo roots, but he said Hothead is focused on the two consoles it is supporting for the series. A PC release and any third game in the series are hypothetical, to be released if the gaming market demands them."

    Not anytime soon then, it would seem. It's still a rather small studio guys, they can't do everything at once.

    Looks fun, although I still have to complete the first game. Kind of sucks that stats and weapons won't carry over - their earlier Penny Arcade-titles did that, so I'm not sure why they can't do it now. Still, more Deathspank makes me happy.
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    tredlow on 23 Aug, 2010, 16:50…
    I really, really hate to be the guy who keeps saying this, but; PC VERSION!! WHERE IS THE PC VERSION?! BLARGHEARGHEARGHBLURGHGHBLARGH!!

    No, really. I only have a PC.

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