Should you happen to be in the London area on Sunday (May 8th) at 2pm you might want to stop by The Volunteer pub at 247 Baker street. Not only do you get the chance to meet our very own Gabez (which might be reason enough in itself!), but Ron Gilbert will be there to indulge every Monkey Island fan's dream. Yes, you can meet up with the man behind the series, and chat him up about it (and other things) too.
There will

Update: The Amsterdam leg of Ron's trip across the globe has come and gone, and it left behind a photo.<:MORENEWS:> Ron himself isn't pictured, but you can spot Marek Bronstring from Adventure Gamers on the far left, #monkey-island's own CaliMonk 6th from the left, and Paco Vink 7th from left. Remi claims he's spotted WorldofMI's Junaid in the photo as well, but we have no confirmation, so for now it is assumed that Remi is lying.*
Hopefully we'll be getting a photo from the London stop, totally exposing Gabez.
*Junaid is there, and Remi wasn't lying. Further reports also reveal that there was a strange naked man swinging about on ropes in the background throughout the gathering. Hired by Gilbert, or just Amsterdam living up to its reputation? We don't know, but there is a picture of him on Grumpy Gamer.
it would be your civic duty.
unless i forget
- The troll in the bridge (MI1) is not George Lucas
- Monkey Island was ment to be a Triology
- Ron was sued by Lucasarts over the rights to Scumm when he left.
- This resulted into the MI3 team being forbidden to talk to Ron, thus making a game which was no where near what was intended. (Sue lasted for 2 years and was settled in the end)
- Ron would love the rights to MI, but doubts they would ever sell. He would call the new Monkey Island, Monkey Island 3A: The secret revealed or your money back!
-Syd is Gary Winnick
-Wendy is a secretary of LucasFilmGames
-And the Edisons are a real family, but Ron don?t say who that is. Top Secret!
This doesn't mean that the MI4 team got a hefty amount of guidance from him, does it?
I was just trying to make the point that the MI4 team could go on where the MI3 team left off and there was no influence or interference from Ron :)
Got me on that one :-P
CaliMonk, you and your gf are quite the brave ones, wearing Lonsdale on Liberation Day after its been in the news such negatively :O
I'm not a racist or the like, so just because some lame kids whom decide to wear sweaters like that do bad stuff doesn't mean i have to throw away all my Lonsdale sweaters :)
It was great!
I asked Remi but he said he couldn't be bothered and that he was a liar. :~