Since April they’ve taken questions from the professionals, mitigating the risk of death with regulation harnesses and safety nets, and now at last they’ve worked up the nerve to go BASE jumping. Or as the hobbyists and civilians call it: a Mixnmojo interview. Don’t bother releasing your Monkey Island game without one.

Join acknowledged heartthrobs elTee and Marius (in his Mojo debut!) as they chat up Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman about their much-ballyhooed return to the shores of Monkey Island -- a sequel which is so hotly anticipated, we’re actually starting to have to consider paying our server costs up through its release date (Footnote: You know, the one that’s days away, for goodness sake?). I’m rather excited myself to see how much of the interview ended up making it past the Lucasfilm brand director, so let’s all enjoy it together.
This was great, nice to see them be able to get away from the standard 5 questions everyone asks and get to have some fun with it. And they mention things they can't discuss with you until after everyone has plays the game so I smell a sequel coming....
I think it's probably more that they don't want to spoil the ending (especially if it really involves The Secret) or any surprises along the way.
But yeah of course I'd be up for more after this. This game existings proves that you should never say never. Like most people, I'd given up on this ever happening. But for now I'm just going to be very happily enjoying this new game instead of hoping for more. If this is the end, it's only fitting that Ron (& Dave!) are the ones to end it.
I just meant an Interview sequel, but I agree with all this anyway
This was great, nice to see them be able to get away from the standard 5 questions everyone asks and get to have some fun with it. And they mention things they can't discuss with you until after everyone has plays the game so I smell a sequel coming....
I think it's probably more that they don't want to spoil the ending (especially if it really involves The Secret) or any surprises along the way.
But yeah of course I'd be up for more after this. This game existings proves that you should never say never. Like most people, I'd given up on this ever happening. But for now I'm just going to be very happily enjoying this new game instead of hoping for more. If this is the end, it's only fitting that Ron (& Dave!) are the ones to end it.
It doesn’t get much better than this. Thanks Ron and Dave! And elTee and Marius! And Jason! And Remi! And Kroms! And anyone I forgot!
You forgot me (I didn't do anything)!
This was really fun. Gilbert calling this the most important website gave me tingles.
Uhm, you might want to check the very first bold printed name on the second page, it's not who you wanted it to be. :) :)
It was in fact elTee, going off on a long jag.
I found that out before posting, then forgot to edit the post. Well. Now I remember why I stopped posting in comment sections! ;)
May this thread survive for 20 years like all the other mojo comments. Mixnmojo: Immortalizing our collective shame for all time.
Uhm, you might want to check the very first bold printed name on the second page, it's not who you wanted it to be. :) :)
It was in fact elTee, going off on a long jag.
I found that out before posting, then forgot to edit the post. Well. Now I remember why I stopped posting in comment sections! ;)
Uhm, you might want to check the very first bold printed name on the second page, it's not who you wanted it to be. :) :)
It was in fact elTee, going off on a long jag.
Uhm, you might want to check the very first bold printed name on the second page, it's not who you wanted it to be. :) :)
Thanks elTee and Marius, for your complete lack of journalistic professionalism. The perspectives of superfan and game developer have given you a great instinct about what to ask and how to elicit actual answers.
And that picture ... Majus' handywork? It's incredible, especially the self portrait.
Truly the second greatest MI-Creator interview I've ever read.