
Return to Monkey Island Turns One, We Celebrate Elsewhere 19 Sep, 2023 / 2 comments

Well, hell, a year has passed? Return to Monkey Island has hit its first birthday, and so we went crazy and published a newsletter looking at the timeline up to its release.

As for other celebrations, we are hearing rumblings that some official “stuff” may hit soon.

Oh, and feel free to subscribe to the newsletter! As things have gone a bit quiet, it won’t hit your inbox that often, so there’s really no reason for you not to.

Update! The official celebration begins with the ReMI crew picking their favorite parts of the game.



  • Avatar of the CEO
    Thrik on 19 Sep, 2023, 20:59…

    I mean, ReMI.
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    LGH on 19 Sep, 2023, 18:59…
    It‘s a nice idea to show us all these different people that have contributed in one way or another to this amazing game!

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