
Rescue on Fractalus! receives loving fan remake 20 Dec, 2020 / 1 comment

Sixteen years after Maniac Mansion Deluxe, another LucasArts oldie has received a fan remake of astonishing care – the oldie, it could be argued. The decade-long labor of love Fractalus is now available for Windows, MacOS and Linux, and it’s probably as fine example of this sort of thing that comes along. May I present my first witness: the project lead of the 1984 original?

If that’s not enough to make you download the game, I’m not sure what else can be done for ya. Highest marks to the Australian enthusiast who apparently masterminded this. One wonders: is the Land Down Under to Rescue on Fractalus! what Germany is to the SCUMM games?

Source: Luke's software and design.


1 Comment

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    Scummbuddy on 21 Dec, 2020, 04:00…
    As soon as I get my office setup and hook up my Oculus once again I look forward to giving Rescue-VR a good playthrough!

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