
Purple Polls a-Plenty 11 Jun, 2002, 21:52 / 23 comments

New poll! This time, we're wondering if you think that the purple color scheme we use around here is a good idea, or if it's just terrible. Go ahead, be honest.

The last poll, "How long have you been visiting Mixnmojo?" ended with most of our readers appearing to be from way back! The majority of those who voted have been reading Mojo for two or three years. Thanks!

Of course, the people who have been here longer are more likely to have user accounts and a desire to vote, but quiet about that. To vote in the current poll (located below the login box on the right side), just click the option of your choice.


  • Cursed Tuna on 14 Jun, 2002, 10:28…
    Get purple.
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 14 Jun, 2002, 07:13…
    It matches my Gamecube... :-) What I would like to see though is the borders made smaller or optimising the site for different resolutions it looks really silly on my computer...
  • Jake on 14 Jun, 2002, 12:21…
    There are a lot of reasons we went fixed width this small. One of them was just because that's how wide banner ads are :) But another, as haggis pointed out, is that this way it looks like Mojo's a lot more text-heavy than it actually is.

    Another still is that Mojo really isn't that thin - it just looks that way because we chose to center it in the browser window instead of stick it on the far left side. Look at this image here, where I've overlaid Mojo on top of IGN Cube's main page. By chance they're almost identical in width.

    Mojo 9 will probably be wider, regardless, if only because we'll stick a banner off to the side of it ;) $$$ ? ?
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 17 Jun, 2002, 05:04…
    You know something, you're right. That image brought a lot of things into perspective. I think it may be my head getting overloaded with the purple (which isn't a bad thing, I might add...).

    The whole text-heavy concept is a good idea and I take back what I said about it. Keep up the good work and purple is ALL good!

    BTW, did any of you have chance to play anything of RTX Red Rock at E3? If so, what did you think...? If what I hear is correct, and it is storyline heavy, then it MAY be a pleasant surprise, could it not...
  • Haggis on 14 Jun, 2002, 09:55…
    I like the width of the borders. This way, it looks as if there is a huge amount of text on Mojo. ;)
  • Gabez on 14 Jun, 2002, 09:49…
    What resolution do you have? 640*480!?
  • The_Petrified_Monkey on 17 Jun, 2002, 04:56…
    No, I can't run my monitor on anything less than 1024x768, as it mucks the monitor up...
  • matt on 13 Jun, 2002, 04:56…
    I didn't like purple once... but then one of my favourite websites turned purple and i thought "hey! the color can't be that bad." so we became friends.

    but to be true there are some kinds of purple that make me physically sick. reall sick. none of them can be found on this site. so it looks fine ... but if it had a taste i'd bet it tasted evil. now i'm getting sick again.
  • SrpskiPrinc on 12 Jun, 2002, 19:24…
    Hey i have a question, has anyone noticed the message below where the banner is on the main page of

    I mean i think it's a subliminal thing, it says "Mojo Loves You".

    Now that is nice, but it is written in a very small text size and you cant see it when the page loads up, only before the banners are fully loaded.

  • Haggis on 13 Jun, 2002, 13:07…
    I've just discovered Opera's "Stop" button...
  • Jake on 13 Jun, 2002, 11:36…
    I don't think that's there. Nope, definitely doesn't exist.
  • MonkeyMug on 13 Jun, 2002, 10:09…
    You forgot the (TM) at the end of it. I find it kinda scary... Why would anyone TM something so...Catchy... NM.
  • RaptorII on 13 Jun, 2002, 22:52…
    Well my friend, like in Real Life (TM) one must (TM) everything they possibly can before evil uber-corperations gobble them up. No I am not talking about the lukewarm evil of Microsoft, I am talking ultra evils like AOL-Time-Warner... just pray they don't pick up AT&T. *shudder* (TM)

    This Mojo Comment is (TM) RaptorII AKA Sean Willoughby 2002.
  • GJ on 12 Jun, 2002, 16:27…
    Mmmmm, purple.
  • xo3k on 12 Jun, 2002, 15:09…
    well what if evil is good?...

    "when your name is evil
    that is good
    or so you think
    but your so very wrong
    its evil!
    but being wrong is right
    so then your good again
    which is the evilist thing of all!!
    theme song from Austin powers 2:the spy who shagged me

  • NeuroticJuicer on 12 Jun, 2002, 14:41…
    What if I think it's evil AND I like it?
  • Haggis on 12 Jun, 2002, 13:53…
    Hey, did anyone ever notice how similar this colour purple is to the colour of the egg-plants from Courage, the Cowardly Dog? ...well, it is... really... ummm... oh yeah and the light purple looks like Courage. I don't usually make sense.
  • RaptorII on 13 Jun, 2002, 22:56…
    It actually reminds me of the old Windows 3.1 Eggplant scheme. The newer ones are all changed and weird. The old one had more of this soft purple... I think. Pretty sure anyway. But I was saying it REMINDS me... so yeah! :P
  • MonkeyMug on 12 Jun, 2002, 12:10…
    Hee... Once I went on my friends PC and Mojo was blue! BLUE! Her monitor is screwed. Oh... I like the purple too.
  • netmonkey on 12 Jun, 2002, 11:36…
    It reminds me of monkeygames purple...
  • ED on 12 Jun, 2002, 10:18…
    Purple is cool
  • kyle on 12 Jun, 2002, 10:15…
    I like it, I think the purple is funky! :D
  • Jake on 12 Jun, 2002, 10:00…
    I must admit that I like the purple. If you don't like it, remember that it was Spaff's idea. If you like Spaff but don't like the purple, remember it was LucasArts' idea before Spaff's.