Pollamarollama 03 Oct, 2002 / Comments: 19
It's that time of time again: new poll! After the last poll, "How involved in the LucasArts community are you?" (which ended with 53% just reading, and 34% of you running your own sites! eep!), we've decided to throw the poll's importance-lever to the extreme. To which extreme you think we threw it is really up to you.
The current poll asks: Who am I? That's right, me, Mr. Webmonkey. Who am I? The winner will receive nothing at all. To select your answer, click on it!
Who am I:
a)Bobo Donkey?
b)The guy that once didnt shut up about Sierra?
c)A sad individual with (nearly) no friends
d)A totally unoriginal person who steals most of his ideas off others
e)Spaffs best friend
f)A famous rapper
g)Somebody who is dead
h)A, B, C and D
i)Or all of the above
Answers will be revealed once we get about 20 peoples answers.
right. OUCH ... my legs hurt ... man, well i have to go to bed again, i hope my ears don't start to bleed again.
they decided to beat me up instead.