
Penny Arcade Does Gladius 24 Nov, 2003, 12:55 / 3 comments

The funny/crazy/infamous online gaming comic Penny Arcade has written up a brief impression of LucasArts' Gladius. What does Tycho think? Well, he starts out by saying, "I think they did a pretty good job", so you know it can't be too bad. Check out this link to read the whole paragraph consisting of Gladius goodness.

There's also some good interesting Star Wars musing about the Expanded Universe going on both in today's comic and in the rest of the news posts as well.


  • Moosferatu on 25 Nov, 2003, 11:27…
    I wonder what Friday's comic will be...

    I can't wait. :)
  • Mad Lord Snapcase on 25 Nov, 2003, 10:15…
    Phew! They didn't link here.
  • Marek on 25 Nov, 2003, 09:03…
    Dude, we need some comments here.