
PC Gamer tries to discuss the Maniac Mansion TV adaptation, fails 06 Sep, 2011 / 2 comments

A little over a month ago, PC Gamer - the Global Authority on PC Games and Now Television - dedicated an article from its weekly column Crapshoot to the often-forgotten TV adaptation of LucasArts classic Maniac Mansion. Like a lot of Crapshoot articles, it's worth a read; unlike a lot of Crapshoot articles, it doesn't really cover what it wants to, due to technical difficulties covered in the article. But a Crapshoot is still a Crapshoot, so check it out.

Source: PC Gamer



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    Kroms on 07 Sep, 2011, 06:57…


    -Crap. I could have sworn the DOTT royalties were specfically for the TV show, not for a spin-off game of the show. Time for a replay.

    My exact reaction! HAH!
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    Scummbuddy on 06 Sep, 2011, 23:16…
    That show lasted 3 full seasons?!? Wow.

    As for:
    (Oh, and one more thing. If at any point during this you said “But the royalties in DOTT were for the TV show’s ‘spin-off game’, not the show”, congratulations. You are a true adventure game geek.)
    -Crap. I could have sworn the DOTT royalties were specfically for the TV show, not for a spin-off game of the show. Time for a replay.

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