
Our Telltale post-mortem podcast posted for your enjoyment 02 May, 2019 / 2 comments

Jason, Zaarin, and myself got together sometime last year and recorded a tearful, in-depth* good-bye to Telltale, in the third episode of People With Unrelated Accents, "Toldtale." We reminisc about everything from Texas Hold 'em to The Walking Dead and even some of the games released in the later years. Run and listen to the MP3, or subscribe for continuous fun:

  • The podcast is neither tearful nor in-depth.

Disclaimer by Jason: Though I haven't listened to this, I should acknowledge that my side of the conversation was accidentally recorded through an internal laptop mic, hence the awful fidelity. Apologies, and it will not happen again, until it does.



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    AlfredJ on 07 May, 2019, 19:16…
    Update: fun cast. And yes, the thing I miss most is the community aspect of those early Sam & Max/Strong Bad/Monkey Island days. The developers would post on the forums a lot, and really engage in discussions about story and the structure of those games. That got less and less from Walking Dead onwards, and I left around that time too. But it was very easy to forgive the limitations of their budgets given how open they were about their process. It really felt like this little underdog fighting for a forgotten genre, and it helped that those games were honestly great. It's easy to be cynical about what the company became, but in the glory days it was absolutely fantastic. And it's the only post-Lucasarts revival of that specific corner of the industry that succeeded in that way (and Double Fine of course, but that's its own thing).

    Also agreed on Devil's Playhouse being the high point.

    It's weird to be in this spot of not knowing if anything's going to happen with those old series again. I feel like we'd have heard something by now if DF was going to keep making more remakes, but fingers crossed. Double Fine taking on a couple of the old-timers to work on Sam & Max again would be the ideal scenario and not out of the realm of possibilities (kind of how Gilbert hopped on to do The Cave back then). Purcell is still somewhat regularly updating his Facebook page and does seem to want some sort of future for them (even though it's clearly a side project for him). Did Tim Schafer ever say why he got that letter from Purcell with the little Max drawn on it, the one he posted on Facebook?

    I'm talking too much but that's what I do on here, and I think you guys should get more props for putting out these episodes. Jake has chosen Half-Life 3 over making more S&M games and talking into microphones, and since those are the two things I need to be happy, I'm thankful you guys are at least taking care of half of that.

    If you guys could also make another Loom or something, that'd be great.
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    AlfredJ on 03 May, 2019, 09:31…
    "Apologies, and it will not happen again, until it does."

    This could be Mojo's motto because damn this is applicable to so many things here. Podcasts. Brazilian server explosions. Artsy game studios imploding due to greedy managers. Monkey Island games. I could go on.

    (Sorry, just joking, looking forward to listening to this soon)

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