Our Fearless Leader 01 Oct, 2002 / Comments: 29
Searching through Mojo's extensive photo archives has revealed a gem that we believe has never before been shared with our reading public. Feast your eyes on our very own founder and friend, James Spafford. (He's the one in the skull shirt, cowering in shame. Compare to this confident looking fellow, who must be an imposter.)
seriously tho. i.... damn....
i hate rides man... they suck so bad.
Oh, wait... never mind...
On a serious note though, you won't get me in any rollercoaster rides either. I'm not scared about the ride itself, I'm scared that I will puke myself under.
voluntarily subjecting my body to gravitational forces of painful proportions.. id rather be drunk and fall over and be sick any day. YAY.
Oh wait, I dont get to say that do I?...