Online Murder Mystery 02 May, 2001 / Comments: 0
Although this isnt LEC Related, i thought those of you who enjoy solving puzzles and love a challenge might want to know about it.
There is a film in production, A.I. This film is being made by Steven Spielberg, but was origionally intended to be directed by Stanley Kubrick. The makers of the film have created a massive online murder mystery, the first clue of which was a name at the end of an internet only trailer.
This name led to hundreds of well made web sites, all with details of working and home life of a family.. except 200 years into the future.
I can't post nearly enough detail about this in one post, so for those interested i suggest you visit The Guide and scroll down to "introduction". Its bizzarely interesting! However, the guide is simply that, a walkthrough to the game. Follow the first links yourself if you want to start playing!