Old Days Part 5 18 Oct, 2000 / Comments: 14
Right in all the server confusion and moving, I clean forgot about this article! But now I've remembered, and I can present you with the 5th part of the Old Days article.
For those of you who dont know what it is or haven't read the other parts, the article covers what the early days of the online Monkey Island fan communiy were all about! This, the penultimate part, is about the Legendary site: LucasFans, run by Swrodmaster. Enjoy!
Cant remember my old handle though... It was probably either Gwar or Thudpumper
I also had A Monkey Island fansite that was inspired by both my love for the games and work done by some of the great sites that were mentioned in this article :) It was called "The Monkey Island Catacombs" and i updated it for about a year with what i think could amount to a bunch of "Oh yeah!!... You KNOW monkey island rocks!!" comments (hehe)
I think my potent memory from that time is trying to download the COMI trailer using a 2800 baud external modem over an AOL connection that cost long distance as well as the AOL fees :P That 11.5 megs seemed impossible to finished. I fell asleep waiting for the download to complete and woke up to a failed download (only got the first 10 seconds :P)and a very angrey mother pointing out that i had just made a 200+ dollar phone call to Vancouver
Good Times, Good Times :D
Scumm Bar ftw :D