
Okay but no seriously, what does the new Indy game look like? 03 Feb, 2009, 21:34 / 14 comments

After subjecting your eyes, which had never hurt anyone, to those absolutely god-awful Staff of Kings screenshots, you were probably thinking "Now wait, surely these aren't accurate. Maybe those screengrabs are from the DS version, or maybe photographed from a TV screen? After all these supposed screenshots don't merely look bad for the Wii (which is capable of this), or even the PS2/PSP. No, these look subpar for the Nintendo 64." (Proof: Infernal Machine N64 screens).

So, there's nothing to worry about. Mistakes happen. There's no way in hell that after a six year wait for a new Indiana Jones 3D action/adventure, that LEC would deliver something that looks, to put it charitably, half as good as Emperor's Tomb. Hmm, but wait, did I just see a moderator on the official LEC forums address this when a fan voiced his surely misplaced concerns?
While the Wii isn't the uber-powered system on the processor side of things, I actually thought the screens looked good. They are very indicative of the final game, however.
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings: a $50 Wii port of Fate of Atlantis with an extra feature in the form of whatever shoddy mess we're looking at on LEC's product page.


  • Sven_Q45 on 04 Feb, 2009, 10:27…
    The screens on the HP are bad.
  • Shmargin on 04 Feb, 2009, 05:39…
    I dunno, maybe the gameplay will be cool?

    I buy Wii games.

    You know what, I dont care, I am buying it for the Fate of Atlantis port.

    Too lazy to mod my Wii, so being able to legally load up a scumm game, especially one of my favorites, will rock.
  • Capn_Nacho on 04 Feb, 2009, 04:48…

    Huh. I don't know how this happened. Maybe it'll look good on the handhelds?
  • Ascovel on 04 Feb, 2009, 00:21…
    Maybe they invested all the money into creating a great story and ingenious puzzles.
  • DeadKyle on 04 Feb, 2009, 00:21…
    See, you guys got it all wrong. The graphics are perfectly acceptable, you just have to be drunk. LEC must be counting on the fact that only gamers who are completely inebriated will think of buying this game. So these "gamers" will pop in the game, hear the Indy theme and say wow, if only I wasn't as drunk this might be awesome.
  • Sp0tted on 03 Feb, 2009, 23:30…
    I'm not a big graphics guy... frankly, I don't care... but, looking at these pictures, I thought we had gone back to the Windows 98 days.

    This is just sloppy and lazy work.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Feb, 2009, 01:13…
    Right, there's a BIG difference between a game looking as good as it can be given the limitations of the system it's for, and a game that just looks absolutely terrible regardless of what it's for.
  • jp-30 on 04 Feb, 2009, 01:24…
    Yeah, there are plenty of gorgeous looking Wii games. The DOS game being bundled with Staff of Kings looks better that the main event.
  • The Tingler on 03 Feb, 2009, 23:20…
    While the graphics don't matter as much as the game and animation and story... ah, f*** it, who am I kidding? This is ridiculous. On a GAMECUBE these would be unacceptable.
  • Udvarnoky on 04 Feb, 2009, 01:14…
    Considering the Gamecube is slightly more powerful than the PS2, and we've established that this is way worse than the best a PS2 can offer, then I'd say your point is kind of implicit.
  • The Tingler on 04 Feb, 2009, 10:44…
    I didn't actually think about it, but you're right, the PS2 is capable of this level of Indy detail, I'm worried what they're thinking.

    I'd have said that they started with the PSP version, but Amaze are doing that version so there's not even an excuse like that.
  • Diduz on 03 Feb, 2009, 21:57…
    Frankly, screens in the magazine one-page preview look better.
  • Kroms on 03 Feb, 2009, 21:37…
    LucasArts: crushing fans' dreams, day after day.
  • Udvarnoky on 03 Feb, 2009, 21:35…
    And just to prove that I'm not losing perspective here, even Hell on Wheels had screen like this.