April Fools! What do you mean you already knew? Apologies to those on Twitter who took it seriously! And apologies to Yaguete who we stole the art from without asking for permission. Check out his deviantART page.
It's well know that LEC was producing a special edition of Day of the Tentacle just before they were swallowed up by Disney, after which the game disappeared in a black box. We assumed work on it had been terminated, which, now, turns out to be wrong. Day of the Tentacle: Special Edition is finishing up within Disney, and will hit iOS and Android devices this July!
Judging by the accompanying concept art (or "cover" art?) this will be a looker, not a million miles away from the style of MI2:SE. A new touch interface and re-mastered voices have been promised, as has a fully digital soundtrack. Click past the cut to read press release and to see the art.
Los Angeles, CA -- April 1, 2014 -- Disney Interactive Studios announced the July, 2014 release of DAY OF THE TENTACLE: SPECIAL EDITION, a re-mastered version of the classic 1993 LucasArts adventure game. The special edition will feature re-painted graphics, a fully digital soundtrack, and re-mastered voices. Taking advantage of modern touch technologies, DAY OF THE TENTACLE: SPECIAL EDITION will also feature a brand new control scheme.
The game follows the unlikely trio of Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne, taking on the evil mutant monster, Purple Tentacle. Exploring a mansion through three different periods of history, the player will need to use their brains and wit figuring out how changes to one time period can affect another. Can they alter time to bring down Purple Tentacle without causing (too much) mayhem?
The original DAY OF THE TENTACLE has won multiple “game of the year” awards, and is considered by many to be the most ambitious graphic adventure of all time. The player is treated to a wide variety of original entertaining puzzles. Some take the form of dialogue, in which the player has to unravel hidden meaning in hilarious repartee. Others are puzzles in which clues and objects from diverse locations combine to advance the player toward end game. Intriguing visual puzzles contribute as much to the atmosphere of the game as they do to the challenge.
The first few puzzles in the game are relatively easy. More subtle ones follow. DAY OF THE TENTACLE: SPECIAL EDITION is a game the whole family can play, and follows Disney Interactive Studios' rich history of fun and challenging pursuits.
DAY OF THE TENTACLE: SPECIAL EDITION will release in July, 2014 for iOS and Android devices.
Disney Interactive Studios is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, a leading entertainment and feature film production company.
![News image](https://mixnmojo.com/galleries/full/full20140401123249.jpg)
You'd think the bolded first paragraph with "April's Fools" and apologies in it would be enough.
You would but then I am a grumpy old sod, so there is that.
If people are going to insist on having a cruel sense of humour, then at least have the decency to update the news item on the front page to say "APRIL FOOLS" in massive, red letters once the date changes to April 2nd (not in the same font size and colour as the rest of the item).
You'd think the bolded first paragraph with "April's Fools" and apologies in it would be enough.
If people are going to insist on having a cruel sense of humour, then at least have the decency to update the news item on the front page to say "APRIL FOOLS" in massive, red letters once the date changes to April 2nd (not in the same font size and colour as the rest of the item).
Yeah, I know... moan, moan, blah, blah! I'm just sick of the irritating nonsense we all must endure once a year, for the rest of our lives. Frankly, it's beyond tedious.
April 1st is nothing more than an excuse for people on the Internet to act as complete trolls for a day, by winding people up via the safety of anonymity and we're supposed to find this charming, why exactly?
Having said that, maybe I just got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. In fact, seeming as that would involve me banging my head against my bedroom wall, it may well account for my grumpy reaction to this prank.
As for 'Day of the Tentacle HD'; I'm still sore about its cancellation, if only because I would have loved to have played that game with a beautiful remixed orchestral score (updated graphics would have been nice too, of course but the original still looks great to this day, so I wouldn't prioritise them the same way I would a live instrumental soundtrack).
Still, it's not as great of a loss as Ron Gilbert's 'Monkey Island 3a', which Darrell Rodriguez was clearly planning on green-lighting just prior to the usual LucasArts process of switching Presidents every couple of years. Ah well, at least we got two excellent remakes of the first couple of 'Monkey Island' games (well, one excellent remake and one so-so remake at least).
...But really, good effort. I like the picture.
Agreed. If I'm going to open myself up for constant disappointment through the annual "April 1st Online Gambit," I'd prefer jokes that have this level of craft. Very cool style.
...But really, good effort. I like the picture.