
Nightlight Produces 12 Dec, 2003, 02:34 / 2 comments

GFN hosted site Nightlight Productions has put up the second installment of Beneath Monkey Island, a radio drama featuring members of the MI fan community doing the voice work.

"But wait!" you say. "The first installment was released, like, six months ago, and I didn't get around to checking it out or have somehow misplaced the file between then and now."

Fear not, for 8 of 12, Nightlight webmaster and project leader for BMI, has put the first part back up for your listening pleasure. Once you've given these episodes a listen, be sure to pop over to the Nightlight forums to rant/rave your cold little hearts out.


  • Jake on 15 Dec, 2003, 18:36…
    I thought "Beneath Monkey Island" would have been a good name for Monkey 4. At least after I played it I thought that.
  • PTDC on 15 Dec, 2003, 19:45…
    *BADOOM TSCH* Actually that was quite good ;)