
New featured forum on LucasForums! 24 Jul, 2002 / Comments: 3

LFNetwork graphic designer TheJackal has whipped up a nice new design for the latest board to be featured at LucasForums: LEC's 20th Anniversary! This new section contains several forums for discussing current titles, classics, and future releases from LEC, as well as a forum for giving LEC some feedback (careful, they might read it). Check it out!


  • Dalixam on 24 Jul, 2002, 09:56…
    That IS a nice design. The link is broken though, it should be
  • Haggis on 24 Jul, 2002, 11:59…
    Weird, the link works fine for me. Have you tried refreshing (probably a stupid question)?
  • Dalixam on 24 Jul, 2002, 13:24…
    It works for me now as well. Weird, earlier it gave the standard database error, but it worked when I accessed it through