It seems that LucasArts may be working on a new original game entitled Gladius, according to observant readers of On October of 2001, LucasArts filed to protect the trademark name of "Gladius" as a software title. The trademark information, which can be viewed at this page, includes such keywords as "science fiction games", "films", "music", "CD-ROMs", "DVD-ROMs", and more.
The use of both CD-ROM and DVD-ROM technology suggest that this might be a PC and console title. Also, the lack of any Star Wars references in the trademark suggests that it may be an original title. thinks this could be the new original title from Planet Moon that was recently announced. Hopefully, if this game is indeed in production, we will hear more about it in the coming months.
If you don't believe me see if you've got the font and then go into a word processor, type "DIG" in Georgia Ref, and make it into a large size. If anyone is curious and doesn't have the font I can email it. The Gladius logo looks like Georgia Ref too. I just noticed it because I use Georgia Ref a lot. It's a nice font. I don't ever use Times New Roman so maybe they're the same, I dunno, I thought it was a tad bit weird.
Its not an adventure game.... :(